Return Policy
Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Free returns – no questions asked
We’ll pay for return shipping with no restocking fees
Full refund or replacement for all unopened bags returned
We are committed to ensuring that all our products and services meet the highest quality standards. If any incorrect items are received or received in a damaged condition, please contact us immediately (within 5 days of delivery) to receive an RMA number. We will replace any damaged merchandise or refund the damaged portion of your order.
If you would like to return or exchange any unopened items, we will gladly exchange them for any other size needed or refund your money, as long as the manufacturer has not discontinued the item. We are unable to accept returns of any opened items due to sanitary reasons. However, if you order multiple bags together, often referred to as a Case, then we can accept returns for all the unopened bags and will refund a prorated amount of the case price accordingly.
Please note that a refund will be issued on the original payment method that the original order was processed with. Credit card payments are refundable for 60 days after the date of purchase, otherwise, store credit or a check will be offered if it is past the 60-day period.
Please follow Easy Return Instructions below or call (800) 563-0161 for an RMA number and to discuss the return/ exchange. Returned items must be in their original packaging, unopened, and in good condition to be replaced or refunded.
If your order does not arrive in the expected time frame, please call us within 5 days to ensure we can locate the package with the shipper. The carrier keeps records in their systems for a limited time, so it may not be possible to locate missing orders if you do not report it on a timely basis.
Easy Return Instructions:
Box up any unopened items needing to be returned.
Include copy of receipt or packing list and circle items needing to be returned.
Contact Us for RMA # and free UPS return label
Use clear packing tape to affix UPS label to top of box
Take item(s) to local UPS Drop-Off location
Refund will be processed once received back and inspected.
We encourage you to contact us with any feedback on our goods and services. Please feel free to phone our customer service representatives at any time at (800) 563-0161.